How To Deal With High-maintenance Customers

In 95% of the cases, people rarely want to know anything about their carpet cleaning service. They book it, check the final results, and pay the bill – this is as far as their participation goes. The remaining 5% are much more engaged and fall into the category of high-maintenance customers. They ask all the questions, expect an exclusive attitude, and seem to look for a reason to complain. So how do you deal with such people?

Always remain professional – at all costs

You may be fuming on the inside, but never let your emotions get the better of you. Some people would ask genuine questions about the service, equipment, and methods you use – they are are a treat! But others would bombard you with the silliest barrage of nonsense just to be irritating or insist on giving their opinion about something they know nothing about. 

Either way, remain calm and try to laugh it off or just say that you would do your job much faster if they don’t bother you. Such people usually shut up if you don’t bite after the first couple minutes of verbal abuse.

Do not be defensive

Sometimes you will have to work for business customers or high-profile clients. Do not forget – these people are used to being in control or testing everybody around them. In my experience, using a few specialised terms or professional verbiage at the very beginning of the conversation will convince them of your professional acumen. Also, do not hesitate to refer them to your customer support team or management if they have a question about the price – you are not there to discuss such matters, so concentrate on the job at hand!